Sorry for not keeping my blog up more frequently. I actually contemplated removing it altogether for a while. But like most things in my life that bog me down, I know if I just wait long enough, things will be revived. To get back into the swing of things, I thought I would write of some of the things that had been happening over the last six months and tie it into what Living Aerie means.
For one, John and I have made the next step to getting married. Yea! We have been planning it for a few years now, but both of us were unemployed for a while. Now he works for the same company he use to before the economic down turn and I have started a business. He brings in a regular, but not quite enough, income to pay the bills, while I bring in sporadic income through my fledgling landscape design business, Synergistic Landscape Design. I tire of waiting for the stars to align, so I have gone to my first (and probably only) wedding expo and purchased my wedding dress. No date is set yet, but it WILL happen this fall, even if it is on the doorsteps of the courthouse.
John and Theresa
The second thing that has happened recently was just mentioned, I started my own business. I know a lot about master planning, water harvesting, and native plants, but running my own business goes way beyond that. It involves marketing (with a VERY limited budget,) figuring out taxes and legalities (something I am still figuring out,) and figuring out the details of residential design that I did not learn in my masters program (things like building codes and furnishing details.) I have been fortunate to have had 3 clients ranging in scale of difficulties. Lots of learning going on here.
A planting plan using regionally native plants that attract butterflies and hummingbirds
The fledgling plants after install
We have also been raising our now 9 month old pup, Osa. It has been a pleasure and a challenge; neither of us has raised a pup before. She is a Sheppard mix and extremely intelligent, which is part of the challenge and of course pleasure. She loves to eat wood and run through my gardens. We have also had a stray tomcat adopt us a month ago. He comes and goes as he pleases, which has taken some getting used to as my other 2 cats are mostly indoors and only go out when I am out. I had an appointment set to get him fixed, but he disappeared. I had kept him inside for 2 days to make sure he didn’t disappear, but he escaped the day before and now I have to reschedule.
So now to tie it into Living Aerie. As mentioned in the bio part of this blog, Aerie is the name of the five acres of lush desert that I live in – yes this desert is lush. It also involves the ‘living’ part. Living involves the humans’ needs and desires and how they interact with this environment. So along with the development of outdoor entertainment areas, I have been preparing part of the property for a possible wedding site, even though John does not want to marry here it still remains a back-up plan. This property also allows me to practice some of my design ideas that might get incorporated in a client’s plans. And finally, I always thought I would be a good pioneer/homesteader, and so I focus a lot of efforts towards achieving a great degree of personal reliance. In order to keep this blog from getting to long winded, I will take these concepts further in future writings. Ta ta for now: keep your hands in the dirt, your face to the wind, and your mind turned on.
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